Nissan gtr r34 price in usa 319999-Nissan gtr r34 price in usa

R34 Gtr Import Price Update Prestige Motorsport

R34 Gtr Import Price Update Prestige Motorsport

 In 1999 prices for the Nissan GTR R34 in Japan started at 4,998,000 Yen (US $45,606), which in today's money is around $70,185 This is quite a bit less than the $113,540 starting price for the base model R35 GTR By the last year of production the GTR M SPEC NUR model cost as much as 6,300,000 Yen (US $57,487) or $81,929 in today's money The Price Of The 1999 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 Varies It went for $315,187 to be exact at the Bring A Trailer auction This is quite a bit for a nonluxury vehicle There was another 1999 Nissan Skyline GTR R34 sold recently that was priced just below the recordbreaker It went for exactly $310,000

Nissan gtr r34 price in usa

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 Honda NSX TypeR in Frankfurt am Main, Germany spottato il 1933 da Lamboroyce Some firstgeneration NSX Type R models ( model years) can be imported to the US now that they have surpassed the 25year mark However, this 1995 model is still a

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